Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are any of the mounts more particularly developed on the Psychical type of hand?


Yes, with the Psychical hand thick at the base, and short fingers, Venus is usually large and the subject possesses a love of luxury, refined tastes, and a lazy and luxurious disposition; such persons are usually good fingers: but if the fingers are longer than the palm the mount of Moon will be well developed, consequently the character will partake greatly of those qualities which the mount of Moon indicates.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are any of the mounts more particularly developed on the Square type of hand?


If the type is Square, the hand large and the fingers knotty,Venus is often fully developed, and it indicates respect of persons and for those in authority: love of order and things practical rather than ornamental.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are any of the mounts more jmrticularly developed on the Spatulate hand?


Yes: for instance, in a Spatulate hand, where the fingers are longer than the palm, Mercury is usually large, and there is a good amount of intuition, versatility, and scientific ability displayed in the character; but if the fingers are shorter than the palm Mars will generally be found full and the nature will be a bold and courageous one, fond of fields ports, agriculture, etc., but rather sensual.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When one mount runs into another what does it indicate?


A strong, well-developed mount or fact or in the character, attracts towards it weaker traits: for instance, a well-developed mount of Mercury will attract, a weaker mount of Apollo, and then the artistic tendencies indicated by the latter, willbe drawn into the stronger currents of the former, and thus artistic capacity will be made to serve the ends of commer­cialism or science shown by the mount of Mercury.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When all the mounts are equal in derelopment what does it indicate?


It is a sign of an harmonious character, one which will go through life without much friction, but the person will be devoid of great pleasures as well as have an absence of great trouble.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Can it be ascertained whether a large development of any mount indicates good or bad characteristics?


This may be easily ascertained (in a general way) from the tips of the fingers: for instance, if the finger be Spatulate the character­istics will tend to the material qualities of the mount; if Square the influence shown by the mount will be absorbed and used by the reason; and if Psychical the manifestations of characteristics will be idealistic, intuitive, and imaginative

A picture showing the palm of a hand

If one mount Is predominant must it of necessity indie the leading traits of the character?


Most certainly, a predomi­nance of power must have a predominance of effect and influence upon the character, but all the signs in the hand should be taken into account before judgment is given.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Does a single mount affect the character to the exclusion of the others?


Sometimes, but it is a very rare occurrence, for generally two or three are equal in influence; hence it follows that the character will show a combination of the powers or "This is perhaps the most important mount. If thick and rather short, it shows strength of constitution and depth of feeling.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How can it be judged whether a mount is deficient, full, or excessive?


In comparing it with the development of the whole hand: for instance,if Jupiter's mount be deficient, the hand will seem lean and small in that particular locality; but if it be full there will be a fleshy lump on that part, and if excessive that part of the hand will look too large in proportion to the other parts.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What relation have the mounts to the health?


It has been observed that when certain mounts are excessive in devel­opment, the person is liable to suffer from certain diseases: thuswithJupiter excessive,there is a liability to lung and chest disorders, sudden fevers and apoplexy. With Saturn excessive there is a liability to nervous disorders, and affec­tions of the bones, joints, spleen and teeth.