Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What form of hand is best for a scientific, pursuit?


Square or slightly Spatulate (Square-Spatulate) fingers, knotty joints and a large thumb is the form which character­ises the true scientific person.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What combination is best for business hands?


A Square or Square-Spatulate type with a long Fourth finger and a strong First phalange of thumb, a full palm and joints developed, makes a good combination for business, as it unites the capacity for business with a love of truth, justice, and equity.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What form of hand is best for mechanical pursuits?


The Spatulate type rather hard, with long Second phalanges, a good strong thumb and broad palm: if the hand is soft there will be a greater love for mental, than for physical mechanics, and a desire to super intend rather than to do all kinds of work personally.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Do the finger nails show the condition of the health?


Yes, to a certain extent: for instance, thin nails with the tips bent inward, are signs of a weak constitution, and very pale nails show a weak condition of the blood and consequent ir­regularity in the circulation.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do Long and dark coloured nails indicate?


Owners of this class of nail will have a tendency to be deceit­ful and cunning, and of a brutal temper: they are cruel in disposition unless the rest of the hand a bound in favourable signs.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do Round nails indicate?


Round nails indicate a passionate disposition, a quick and hasty temper,but one which is soon over, leaving no grudge or ill-will behind it. Very red nails also show the same tendencies.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a Short and hroad nail indicate?


This is a sign of a domineering nature, sharp and shrewd, but rather overbearing and meddlesome. If, however, the whole hand is otherwise good, these characteristics become modified into good natured sarcasm and love of criticism, contradiction, etc. Persons possessing these nails are active and orderly in  their habits and work.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do Short nails indicate?


Short nailed people are critics, are fond of taking notice of things in detail, and possess much courage and desire to resist.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do Filbert shaped nails indicate?


If with a white and polished surface, they indicate a good temper, a sensitive and refined nature, but such a person has not enough force or aggressive power to push his way in the world to ensure success.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How are the finger nails dealt with?


They are classi­fied as follows:—Filbert, Short, Short and Broad, Round, Long and Dark coloured.