Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do developed joints indicate?


A love of intellect­ual work and ideas: ability to reason on things connected with the material or intellectual world, according to whether the First or Second joints are most developed.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How are the joints dealt with?


The joints are divided into two classes, the Knotty and the Smooth, or the developed and undeveloped. When the fingers are Knotty, that is bulged out at the joints, they are called developed joints, but when the fingers are Smooth at the joints, they are called unde­veloped joints.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What effect does a thick Third phalange hare upon Conical finger tips?


If the palm and thumb are large as well as the Third phalanges there will be much love of sensual pleas­ures, but they must be of an artistic order and amongst ar­tistic people; there will be no inclination for real and prac­tical work. It shows also a way ward and impulsive nature, fond of change and variety: in fact, the hand will be that  of a lazy gond-for nothing sensualist.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do the different phalanges of the Fourth finger on the different types of hands indicate?


If the First phalange is longest, and the hand Spatulate, it shows activity in science, powerful eloquence and a capacity to invent things in mechanicism: if the hand is Square, it shows a love of study and research in things of a scientific character: if the hand is Psychical, it is an indication of intuition in research, and a love of science for its own sake.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do the different phalanges of the Third finger on the different types of hands indicate?


If the First phalangeis longest and the hand Spatulate, it indicates love of action in the representation of art and dramatic capacity: if the hand is Square, it shows love of truthfulness in the expression of art and literature: if the hand is Conical or Psychical, it in­dicates intuition in art and in the choice of subjects.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of finger tips which turn back?


This shows a clever and ingenious nature, with a strong de­sire to obtain knowledge, causing inquisitiveness and prying curiosity,at the same time a wish to be agreeable and adapt one self to the tastes of others. It also denotes tendency for extravagance from too much benevolence.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a soft fleshy ball on the inside of the finger tips indicate?


This is a sign of great sensitiveness, and also great tact as to how to act during an emergency. Mental activity and intellectual powers of a good order will also be found with these fleshy balls: infact, good taste in general both as to manner sandthings.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of the Third finger being as long as the First and Second?


When it is as long as the First finger, it betrays a strong ambition to rise and be successful in the artistic world. When as long as the Second, it indicates en­terprise and a love of speculation, a tendency to gamble and indulge in games of chance, unless the thumb is very good when it then shows strength of will to overcome this weak­ness.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do the individual fingers indicate on the Conical and Psychical hand ?


 In each case the characteristics are simi­lar, though in the case of the Psychical, the manifestations are excessive.If the First finger is long it shows strong love of religion with a desire to take a leading part in it, and if as long or longer than the Second finger, it shows that the life is ruled by ambition.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do the individual fingers indicate when on the ipiare hand?


If the First finger is long, it shows a love of truth and the subject will search for it in natural phenomena, but he will be proud not with standing his love for religion. If the Second finger is long, it shows a very grave and melancholy nature. If the Third finger is long, love of research and reason in art. If the Fourth finger is long, it indicates love of scientific research, reason in science and good powers of expression.