Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do the individual fingers indicate on the Spatulate hand?


If the First finger is very long, it indicates intense love of the mysterious, and great tendency to error and inaticism. If the Second finger is long, it shows an active Pagination and a fancy for scientific and occult literature, to much gloom and depression and if excessively long, a tendency to melancholia.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of fingers falling far apart?


This shows a desire to see into and know all that is going on, also indicates much originality. Such persons are rather interfering, inquisitive and meddlesome, though well meaning at all their actions.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do shapeless fingers indicate?


These fingers belong to persons whose characters are wavering, whose intellect is Iynome and strong or decided. They possess no certain individuality of their own,hot in proportion as one, two, three or four of their fingers take a decided shape so will the intellect declare itself. In idiots the fingers are decidedly regular and misshapen.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of twisted fingers?


Ok this is a bit harsh, but this is the ancient overview of twisted fingers! A deceitful, cruel and revengeful nature, which would stop short at nothing for revenge,not even murder. In another wise good hand, twisted fingers indicate a trying and annoying disposition.

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A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the nature of the influence of thick fingers on the character?


They indicate the owner to be more or less harsh, cruel and revengeful, and more given to animal and sensual pleasures than intellectual and refined pursuits.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What influence have thin fingers upon the character?


Thin fingers indicate much diplomatic talent, a tendency to deceive and be hypocritical. Such fingers are usually seen on the hands of card sharpers and those who habitually try to cheat other people.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do long fingers indicate?


Long fingers indicate a love of detail, method and regularity, causing their owners to be harassed and troubled over mere trifles as though they were matters of the greatest importance. Such persons are very proper, strict in matters of propriety and decorum, and are often affected in manner. A good thumb will, however, modify these manifestations.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of short fingers, thick at base, pointed at tips and the palm longer than the fingers?


This is a sign of a lazy and luxurious disposition, a sensual nature with refined habits and tastes.We often find good singers with this combination, who sometimes become very popular owing to the large amount of sex-magnetism which they possess.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of short fingers?


Short fingers are the property of impulsive and intuitive natures, which act as if by inspiration, and do not stop to weigh up a matter before coming to a conclusion, neither do they care much for appearances on the whole, being rather brusque in manner, but are very active and full of life, push and energy.

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A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do Psychical or pointed fingers indicate?


Great impression ability, inspiration, intuition, idealism and excessive imagination. A love for high, good and noble things, but great impracticability, as far as a prosiac life is concerned.