Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the palm indicate when it is longer than the fingers?


A dull intellect and a person void of tine suscepti­bilities. It implies the same in Palmistry as organic quality does in Phrenology, showing whether the subject be high or low in refinement.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Why are some palms thin, dry and hard?


Because these belong to a person of a timid, shrinking nature, pos­sessing little energy to keep the blood in proper circulation, hence the hands are ill nourished and the health poor.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a thick clumsy palm indicate?


An obstinate egotistical nature, a strong constitution and plenty of force, but it is of a brute nature and indicates much selfishness.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

If a Spatulate hand is soft what does it indicate?


It has the effect of lessening its activity: it shows the subject to be a late riser, as love of comfort is indicated by the soft­ness; such a person would be fond of being amongst activity, but he must not be worried 'by anything and must have his love of pleasure gratified at the same time. Such persons are also fond of elegance, but it must be a fashionable elegance, and even their religion will be that upon which least slurs are cast by the public.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are females smooth fingered?


Yes, generally, and the more Knotty the fingers the less she trusts to instinct and the more she leans to reason. Where a woman has a large thumb, Knotty fingers of a Square or Spatulate type, she is a born leader, and more a therease in business and intel­lectual work than in domestic duties.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Why is there a difference between the hands of male and female?


Because females naturally have more instinct than males, and their feelings are more inclined to religion. It is a well-known fact that females are more impressionable than males, thoughless practical: woman imagines things whilst man, ever practical, carries out the more practical part of her ideas and imaginations.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Do the descriptions of different types of hands apply equally to male and female?


Yes, but it should be borne in mind that the pure Square and Spatulate are not often seen on an English woman's hand, the Conical, or Psychical slightly modified by the Square or Spatulate, being more representative of the female, though in the male sex the Square and Spat­ulate type is chiefly predominant.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the difference between a Spatulate and a Square hand, as regards veneration or reverence?


The Spatulate per­son will reverence his superior son account of his love for them, but for him to submit to a dictator from any other cause, the authority must be powerful indeed. The Square banded subject has a deep respect for properly constituted authority, because he reverences the principle, rather than the person, and will pay homage on this account.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the sign of an enduring nature?


A person who is capable of long endurance, possesses a decided curve on the outer edge of the hand from the wrist to the end of the fourth finger. The more straight the outline in this direction, the less ability there is to endure either mental or physical ex­posure, opposition or tension.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Is a large hand or a small hand best?


Neither hands of a medium size are far the best for all practical purposes. Being devoid as they are of much of the force and harshness of rule which characterises the owner of the Large hand, yet having more power to carry out their ideas than Small handed persons.