Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are the manifestations of a small hand opposite to those of a large one?


Yes, a small hand can lie compared t oa large one, in the same way as a mental temperament iscom­parable with a muscular one. The small hand indicates an impressionable nervous and mental nature, with ideas and planstoolargefortheownertocarryout.Suchpersonslike things on a gigantic scale, in the home, commercial, literary or philanthropic sphere.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Is it possible for the type of hand to change?


To a certain extent it can be modified or slightly altered, as far ascertain traits of character are concerned, especially if the person works in a different groove from that for which he is naturally adapted. The inherent tendencies, however, must ever remain strong within him, however much restrained by circumstances.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does msoft hand indicate?


A lazy disposition, or rather a nature which loves a sedentary occupation more than an active one: a sentimental imaginative mind, fond of poetry and rather feminine. Persons of this description are liable to make a display of affection rather in excess of the real nature of their love. They are not very practical, but very sensitive, with a strong love of the marvellous, and they will always be fascinated by phenomena of a super human or occult nature.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a hard hand indicate?


It shows great activity, love of work, and especially if it is of the Spatulate type, great practicality. Owners of this hand are not demon­strative in love affairs and do not show all they feel of the tender passion. They can, however, endure hardship and privation to a great extent. There is not great intelligence shown if this hand is very red.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are the characterisitics of a soft-Spatulate hand?


The soft Spatulate hand proclaims its owner capable of working out discoveries and ideas made or suggested by owners of the soft Psychical hand, especially if those ideas are of a mar­villous or  occult nature, as the Spatulate type shows more practicability and an intense desire for movement; although where the hand is soft the activity is more mental than physical, showing the desire to get others to do the actual work whilst the owner does the thinking.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a Conical-Elementary hand indicate?


Sensi­tiveness to bodily pain and fondness for artistic things, although on the whole such persons are rude and uncultivated. They make vulgar poets, are superstitious and cannot be called hard workers, but are never-do-wells as a rule.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Square-Conical hand indicate?


This com­bination indicates the love of social interests, and for malisms, rendered by the Square, but is toned up as it were, by a sprinkling of artistic love such as is not known in the purely Square. It also indicates a love of absolute truth for the essence of things, for the irrealisation rather than the name merely.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Elementary-Philosophical hand indicate?


This combination modifies the crude effects of an Elementary hand to a mail extent, so as to impart a desire for simple intellectual occupations, but the person would not be suffi­ciently intellectual to reason in a philosophical manner. There would be a tendency to indulge in petty distinctions and fault finding.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Mixed hand indicate?


It shows the owner to be capable of doing many different things, but as the energy is put into so many grooves, there is not often genius in anything which the individual carries out, unless the whole attention has been directed to that branch of work most suited to the type which is predominant, and the thumb belong and well developed. Generally, owners of the Mixed hand may be termed hand by men or Jack of all trades and master of none.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How can the Mixed hand be recognised ?


The fingers of this hand will partake of the different types. For instance, one finger may be Spatulate, another Square, another Conical, and so on. A finger is sometimes between two types, that is to say, partly Square, and partly Conical,etc. The Chiromant who understands his profession, will readily detect the type which is most powerful, and will draw his inferences accordingly.