Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Where is the Psychical hand most frequently found?


In Asia, the land of the birth of all great religions, theolo­gies, prophecies, and magic. Germany also produces a great many of this class, the people of that country being well-known for their lofty idealism, and vivid imagination.England does not produce many of this type to reasons we shall see later on.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Psychical hand indicate when the fingers are longer than the palm?


Excessive sentiment, and dreamy idealism, fondness for poetry, and almost a hatred of all things pertaining to the lower part of man's nature. This develop­ment, however, is very rare.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are the characteristics of the Physical hand?


It represents the divine world, and is very rare in its purity, although there are many modifications. Owners of this hand are all soul, or in other words, very ethereal, very idealistic, and not at all practical, for they live in an ideal world, born of their own spiritualistic nature. They are so absorbed in seeking a high and ideal state, that they cannot attend to anything so materialistic as the wants of this fleshly body.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Of what form is the Psychical hand?


This is easily known by the fingers being the same length as the palm, the hand narrow, the fingers pointed at the end like a filbert, and the thumb small and of exquisite shape.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Philosophical hand indicate?


Love of truth and investigation, power for metaphysics, and deep rea­soning on things relating to the internal and external world. Owners of this hand accept no statement without proof, and are decidedly critical and analytical. They find fault, and in­quire into the cause and effect of everything.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What constitutes the Philosophical hand?


A large palm, fingers rather long, but partly Square and partly Conical, with both the first and second joints well developed, so as to make them appear knotty. The thumb also should be well developed in the first, and second joints.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Conical hand indicate?


Much love of art, beauty, perfection, and embellishment: refinement of mind, and correct tastes in person, surroundings, etc.; the owners areattractedto, or repulsed from all things animate or in­animate, according to their beauty and not their usefulness, hence they are changeable in mood, easily discontented with their surroundings, and dislike domestic business life and work.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is meant by the Conical hand?


That class of hand where the fingers become narrower and smaller, so as to resemble a cone at the tips. If the type is pure, the palm and the fingers are of the same length, and the joints smooth.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Square hand indicate?


Love of order and neatness, and a tendency to be more quickly upset by disorder and confusion than by anything else.Owners of this type are not very poetical, neither artistic, as this type in­dicates a love of the useful rather than the ornamental. Their poetry, however, would be exact as to rhythm and arrangement. They are clever in all things requiring correct­ness of aim or a practised eye, and are firm lovers of justice.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How can the Square type of hand be recognised?


By the squareness of the finger tips, large hand, thumb of good size, and a medium palm of firm consistency.